This is the story of a penguin and his apprentice who live in an ocean surrounded by dangerous sharks and seals. The penguins are both inventors and will have to use all there wit and skill o get by. Read on to discover the Penguin Story.
There once was a penguin who’s name was Timmy. He was a penguin inventor. He lived on his own private island which was about a quarter mile in diameter. He also had an apprentice who’s name was little Johnny. Timmy was a engineer who mostly made transportation related things. Little Johnny on the other hand mostly made combat stuff and the islands defenses against predatory animals.
They worked together a lot to make things work. Like when Timmy made a boat, little Johnny made the defenses and guns on it. The boat was a little sailboat with flat sides that had a little curve to mount weapons. Little Johnny made a spring propulsion harpoon mounted at the bow of the ship. It had a meter long harpoon and a crank to cock it. Ot could take out a full grown great white shark. He also made a mini spring rifle with blade sights. He could nock out a seals eye at 25 yards with that. It shot a 3 inch dart.